Civil & Mechanical Engineering

We design, construct and maintain infrastructure projects which can include roads, bridges and airports, water and sewage systems, railways and buildings. Our mechanical engineering practice is centered on the use of machinery in a range of settings.

Design & Construction

We offer integrated system design & construction throughout the project's lifecycle various alternatives which are desirable from both view points and thus eliminating the necessity of extensive revisions under the guise of value engineering.

General Engineering Supplies

Whether it means sourcing specific products, replenishing difficult to obtain stock, or even manufacturing specialized parts with the ability to coordinate the test and certification of equipment & machinery; we are dedicated to working with you by helping to solve arising challenges.

Road Sector Engineering

We provide the economic and design analysis to improve road infrastructure, which will improve market linkages, promote economic growth and thereby alleviate poverty, as well as facilitate access to public health and education services.

Water Supply Engineering

Facilities needed to improve the water supply system and abate water pollution in towns & cities are critical. We rehabilitate and expanded water supply and sewerage systems by constructing reservoirs, infiltration gallery, & pumping stations.

Water Services Institutional Support

Increasing water service coverage under delegated management frameworks with the aim of establishing regulatory frameworks for water supply within county cities and towns by groundwater prospecting and drilling of exploratory tubewells.

Agricultural Yield Enhancement

Increase rural incomes derived from sustainable use of water resources and the effective development, delivery and adoption of improved irrigation equipment. Increasing small-scale irrigation resulting in area expansion & modernization of drainage systems.